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Apr 11, 2022

Effective Live Chat Features Of Frankentext

Live chat is an effective form of customer messaging software which is developed in this new era of technology that allows customers to communicate with a company’s representatives. Live chat features are embedded in the system ..
Mar 08, 2022

Frankentext Solves a Big Headache for a RV Dealer

What is Frankentext? Frankentext allows visitors on your website, through a chat feature, to communicate directly with you via an application on your smartphone...
Jan 31, 2022

Customer Support Chat Best Practices You Need to Follow

If you're reading this, you've probably already introduced customer support chat on your site or are considering it. If you fall into the latter category, let us assist you in making your decision — Live chat is preferred by 75%..
Jan 20, 2022

Why should you implement live chat in your business website?

Let's face it. You've presumably staggered on this article since you experience difficulty changing over programs into clients. This problem area can be genuinely crushing for any organization...
Jan 07, 2022

Chat Support in Auto Sales Secrets Exposed! Here’s the Juicy Details

Live chat offers a way for business owners to build customer loyalty, sales, and revenue. A company that offers live chat support is also more likely to maintain its loyal customers...
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